Friday 3 December 2010

How To Stay Content Focused In Individual Sport

When you play an individual sport like Athletics, Judo, Polybat or Tennis it is critical that the content of the training session is focused because drifting to irrelevant topics could restrict your progress in an area  you  want improve in. The reason it is significant is that in an individual sport you will often rely on your own technical ability to excel and get get out of  times of adversity which are game related. This will apply to you at some point wheather you are a novice, beginner, amateur or professional athlete. Whereas, in a team sport like Handball although technical ability is also important their is more of a reliance on the whole team and fellow team mates' strenghts to progress.

The first step to stay content focused is to practice EVERYTHING technically correct during training. This is particularly the case for Athletics as it is highly technical sport. Practicing correctly involves how you practice in order to reach a technical standard using the appropriate methods. For example if you are a 100m sprinter working on your body posture you could practice running on your toes with your knees high, head still and  running in natural alignment. This is an example of how you practice the technique of posture correctly. It is also realistic of how your body should be positioned when racing against opponents; in a very mechanical and smooth way. 

Moreover the training always has to be specific. If you are working on developing a certain aspect of your skill or game concentrate on that alone. For instance if you are practicing a back hand tennis shot it is essential that you hit decisively even if it is not perfect. It would not be necessary to practice a shot hit from between your legs. Firstly, because it is not often you will be required to make a shot like this during a tennis match. Secondly, it would probably only be necessary if you have exceptional skills to complete this shot successfully. Finally, it would make little sense to practice something that is unrelated to the overall technical requirements of the sport. Thus everything done in training must be related to the game/event itself to ensure you remain focused on the content of your learning.

Another way to stay content focused in your sport is that it may be helpful to pick a particular model or athlete to use as a guide to train the technical aspects that you want to improve on. In doing this you must also be realistic in your capabilities in comparison to the person you are modelling. 

So to stay content focused in an individual sport practice everything technical to the sport correctly, make your training session as specific as possible and model an athlete's training approach and adapt it to your level of fitness and ability.


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