Friday 24 December 2010

How To Get Yourself Back Into The Groove

So Christmas and New Year could leave you feeling lethargic and lazy because of all the energy you have exerted. Not to mention the outcome of being over indulging on the festive food. Understandably, a lot of people want to get fit and eating healthy as part of their New Years Resolution. When it comes to improving your fitness and becoming more active you really need to be ready to put in the work. How many of us come up with at least one resolution which we have abandoned by the end of the week? To be honest almost all of us are guilty of it. The truth us many of us don't stick to our resolution and the main reason for this is that we don't plan to see it out in the long term and in practical terms. Below are some tips on how to maintain your New Years Resolution to get fit.

How Much Time Do You Have?

Time is important because this will ultimately decide your ability to commit to a fitness and activity regime. This is the first factor you need to think about carefully. Figure out your work schedule and other responsibilities you have and work around them. You also need to consider days in which you energy levels are high and your mood is upbeat since motivation is key to putting your plans into action. When deciding the times you want to dedicate to physical activity you need to ensure it is a time you do not mind sacrificing. If you choose a time that you treasure and would rather spend elsewhere you are likely to get distracted. So stick to a time that you know you are willing to honour whatever the circumstances may be.

How Do You Want To Get Fit?

You need to decide on how you plan on getting and keeping fit and active. You may be a person that prefers to (a) go to the gym, (b) employ a Personal Trainer, (c) do a home work out (personal exercises, Wii), (d) cardiovascular regime, (e) play a sport or even a combination of the latter. Which ever physical activity you choose to use as a method you need to ensure that it contributes to your overall goals.

Determine Your Goals & Target

One of the many mistakes people make when they decide to get fit or fitter as a New Years Resolution is set goals which are vague and ambiguous. It is all well wanting to get active for the new year and 'saying I'm going to get fit for this yea' but you need to determine whether it is a long term, medium term or short term goal. This blog would suggest you want to get fit as a long term goal as you are more likely to see positive results. You also need to think about picking specific and targeted goals. Begin by setting daily and weekly goals as these will be the stepping stones of the overall goal of getting fit. So an example of a daily goal is to walk 10000 steps in the day. Then you could continue penning your monthly, quarterly and annual goals. 

Write & Record

Writing down or recording your progress, scheduled activities, journals and aims and objectives. This will allow you to see visual evidence of how you are doing and will additionally help you to keep track of where you are in your quest to get fit. It is an effective way of staying motivated. It is important that your plan to get fit is constructed and completed ahead of the first day you begin. Every detail such as how long a particular work out will last needs to be established.

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